Town of Clarkson
DWI Accident Demonstration
in honor of Larisa Karassik
May 2022
The demonstration was planned to raise awareness of drinking and driving as well as distracted driving. The time between Memorial Day and Labor Day is known as the 100 deadliest days, with increased accidents involving young people. The demonstration provides students with a thorough dramatization of an accident scene.

On May 23rd 2023 we hosted a
-Take the Pledge Event-
This was a ceremony to celebrate
the life of Larisa Karassik in her Butterfly Garden
The ceremony was a rededication of the Larisa Karassik Butterfly Garden, and an important event and ceremony where we can all come together as a community to TAKE THE PLEDGE to NEVER DRINK AND DRIVE. A new plaque will be presented to the beautiful Larisa Karassik Butterfly Garden.
Location: Historic Traphagen: 131 Germonds Road West Nyack
The plaque and event is sponsored by the Town of Clarkstown Town Supervisor, George Hoehmann, District Attorney and Sheriff's Dept.